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Why are we still chasing the VR dream? Honestly, now. I don’t get it. I’ve been there since the very beginning of the modern virtual hype train, since the initial announcement and launch of the Oculus Rift and HTC’s Vive headset. I watched as Meta took over. I’ve been there, and scoffed at the countless millions invested in the field – to what end, I’ve still yet to understand. I’ve stood wincing as twin screens glare into my retinas, as my head spins and I inevitably end up motion-sick after mere minutes using awkwardly heavy lumps of lens strapped to my face. And every single time I try a new unit, I’m impressed with the improvements for 30 minutes. I then get bored and set it down, never to use the thing again.

VR is such a bizarre field that makes so little sense to me. It almost feels like a nonsensical passion project that’s become so big it can’t be allowed to fail. The thing is, right now, with the right hardware, you can have a pretty solid VR experience. Grab something like a Meta Quest 3, a decent PC, and virtual reality gaming is a fairly fun time, as long as you can afford it. That is, until you come crashing back to reality as you run out of titles, or the games in question just don’t hold up to their traditional console and PC counterparts.

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