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It’s a funny thing, your desktop PC, isn’t it? For those of us who have been around the block somewhat, each system and its components almost have a kind of personality to them. Whether that’s tied to the point in time we used it and the surrounding circumstances, or something greater than that, each experience hits differently, and each OS is almost like a landmark in our own history. You can remember Windows XP not just because of what it did, or how it looked, but also because it was on your school computer, and you used to play flash games on it with a USB stick that your buddies would pass around class.

In my case, I remember Windows 98, and using that, how that felt. How buggy and laggy it was. Constantly crashing, with its odd wallpapers and brutalist UI. I remember my friends having Windows 2000 and how clunkily it ran on their systems that weren’t really designed for it. I remember that it felt exactly the same to me, but slower.

Recognise this image? If you do, you’ve got good taste in operating systems. (Image credit: TechRadar)

I remember how XP came along, an almost god-tier OS, and the games I played on that; Battlezone II, the mods, the communities, the friends I made online for the first time—the real blossoming of the internet. Vista, my teenage years, World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, and onwards. Windows 8, 8.1 (which still makes me shudder), and of course the prodigal son: Windows 10, which debuted near the start of my professional career in tech journalism. It’s still touted by many today as one of the best operating systems Microsoft has ever launched (bar XP, of course).

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