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Many of the recent changes to Windows 11’s Start menu that we’ve seen tested by Microsoft have been getting hot and cold reactions, but this hasn’t deterred the software giant from continuing to experiment with the menu, and it’s currently trialing a new ‘Category’ layout that we learned about last month. 

This layout is an alternative to the standard presentation of the ‘All apps’ section of the Start menu, alongside a new grid-based layout that Microsoft has also been testing. We’ve already seen a hint of this new Category view, and that sneak peek featured solid-colored squares arranged in blocks of four (reflecting the fact that it was an early working version of the layout).

However, since a new build arrived in the Windows 11 Beta channel, the Category layout now works, or it’s at least somewhat functional, as Windows Latest reports. (Although note that the layout still remains hidden in Windows 11 – testers will need to dig to find it).

(Image credit: Windows Latest / Microsoft)

Getting neater and more organized with apps

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